Friday 18 March 2011

Thursday 17th and Friday 18th March

Ok, so I’m a little late with posting this blog but I have actually been busy……relaxing mostly !
Yesterday I was at Tania’s place in Penrose and had a lovely long lie in and a relaxing morning doing nothing apart from a little bike maintenance. In the afternoon we went for lunch into Ellerslie which is a suburb nearby and slightly closer to the centre of Auckland to a trendy bar the name of which escapes me now. I was then escorted to the physiotherapists to have some more treatment for the old ankle ( I’m sure your bored of hearing about this now )
The receptionist was really lovely and on reading the explanation of how my injury occurred looked over her horn rimmed glasses at me and said “were going to have to do better than that”. “Why ? ” I said looking puzzled. “well you will never get this free on the ACC with a story like that will you ?”
The ACC is NZ’s version of medical insurance or the NHS and apparently they are pretty easy going. She crossed out my explanation which read “ Achilles tendonitis caused by persistent cycling” and said “ Could you have been in an accident perhaps ?”
I said “well I did get run off the road by a logging truck into a ditch a few days back!” shrugging my shoulders and trying to be helpful. “Perfect “ she said and changed my explanation to an outrageous  piece of fiction whereby a logging truck almost caused my demise in a horrific near miss causing me to take avoiding action and cycle over a cliff top and fall 1000 feet down a cliff side and land in a heap on some rock only causing a mild sprain to the Achilles. Ok so I’m exaggerating a bit now but her explanation wasn’t far off that I assure you. Naturally being an honest cop this has given me sleepless nights since.
Once the blatant lies were complete I was met by a lovely friendly physio called Clare who actually turned out to be a former Nazi torturer ( This is her description not mine I hasten to add ) she went to work on me like I had just viciously slaughtered her whole family and burnt her house down. It was like a revenge treatment. The pain she inflicted on me was infinitely more terrible than the pain my Achilles was giving me even in the worst moments. I almost bit through my arm I was trying that hard not to cry out and I sweated more in 30 minutes than I have in 1000 miles. Suffice it to say I will not be returning for a follow up visit and a life of walking like “Jake the Peg “ is far more appealing that going through that again. I could actually see the pleasure in her face as she leaned her whole weight on my ankle which was positioned over a sharp edge in order to separate the bones and “Introduce some mobility to the problem area “ ………Problem area my arse, its gonna be a damn problem now it’s broken off ( were my thoughts at the time !)
Anyway, it’s over now and I’m alive to tell the tale and despite a stupid looking strapped up ankle which makes me look like I’m wearing weird looking suspenders I’m feeling much better.
Today has been a far easier day by comparison. Despite cycling 3 miles in the wrong direction first thing this morning and then being sent in the wrong direction again by a Police Officer I eventually made it to the ferry to get over to the North Shore and had a really leisurely ride along the East Coast Road to Arkles Bay around 40 km’s up the coast. The North Shore is really nice and seems like the sort of place I would like to live with lots of bars and coffees shops. The road however was like a rollercoaster with one steep rise after another. There were no big hills but there were plenty and the ride of 50 odd km’s felt further than it was. Nevertheless I landed at Triston’s house the moment the heavens opened and it bucketed down.
Triston is a Police Officer with Auckland Police whom I used to work with back in Ellesmere Port and has been over here for 3 years now with his wife and two daughters. He has settled in really well and they have a fabulous house, a great life and an annoyingly good tan. I still look transparent in contrast. Tris took me for a drive round the area which is idyllic and we had a great meal and a couple of glasses of wine ( or maybe more !!) The whole family have embraced life in NZ which is good to see and it obviously works well for them. The girls are happy and have made great friends and love the way of life here.
I have had a great night reminiscing about the old days in “The Port” and would love to stay longer but alas I have 82 miles to cycle tomorrow and many hills. I don’t think there is a flat road until 60 miles are up tomorrow so I will need a good night’s sleep tonight. On that note I better get my head down. Only three more days on the road and I can relax. Ten days and I will be home in Blighty and this will be a distant memory. 

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